Asbestos Removal
Asbestos is a highly poisonous substance that is more common around you than you think. In fact, if you are living in an old building, chances are that you are breathing, and consuming asbestos in many ways. It all started at the turn of the twentieth century. Asbestos was one of the most prominently used substances in the construction business. What is disturbing is that asbestos is a powerful carcinogen. It is known to cause a variety of diseases from asbestos is to mesothelioma to prostate cancer. The material was used in almost every aspect of construction. Vinyl floors, vinyl sheets, cement boards, window putty, mastic, stucco, ceilings, pipes, and a host of other construction related materials and products contained vinyl in high concentrations. Beginning in the early 1970s, asbestos was gradually phased out of use in building construction. Although modern buildings do not contain high concentrations of asbestos, the same is not true of old buildings. As the buildings age with time and begin to show signs of deterioration, the risk of asbestos poisoning increases dramatically. Whenever materials containing asbestos are disturbed, asbestos particles become airborne. Anyone residing in the building can inhale these particles and be exposed to the carcinogen. The people that are particularly at high risk of exposure are those who interact with asbestos containing substances on a regular basis. Cleaners, housekeepers, maintenance and construction workers, who may be interacting with these substances, without even knowing what they are dealing with, are particularly affected by the toxic material. If the building is up for demolition, then the risk to the surrounding population increases dramatically. To avoid all this and to ensure the safety, health, and happiness of the people living in and around your building, you need our asbestos abatement services. Richmond Crime Scene Cleanup professionals will come to your building, completely equipped with all the safety gear, and protection to deal with the asbestos removal process. If an unskilled person tries to deal with the asbestos problem, they may expose themselves to fatal concentrations of asbestos. That’s why, our professionals come fully covered in special purpose industrial grade protective suits that prevent asbestos particles from ever touching them. Trust Bay Area Crime Scene Cleanup to for your asbestos abatement in your building thoroughly and in a speedy manner. |